I think one of the most difficult things about being a parent is watching your babies grow up right before your eyes.
Sitting here typing this there are tears flowing from my eyes as I think about how fast time has gone by. I remember leaving the hospital with Ruthie Rue — Kat and I had just buckled our precious babe into her car seat for the first time, and I remember how delicately we pulled her little arms through the straps of the carseat because we were so worried we were going to snap her tiny arms trying to pull them through.
As we left our hospital room and headed toward the elevators the whole world just paused. We were new parents, nervous and unsure about the future, but proud and excited to be known as mommy and daddy. I remember hearing my dad as he was walking behind us, gently say, “I remember bringing you home for the first time. It goes by fast, buddy.” In that moment I just remember thinking, “yeah, yeah, so you’ve said!” Don’t get me wrong, I believed my dad when he told me it goes by fast, but I didn’t want to think about it in that moment. I wanted life to slow down, I wanted to soak in the moment and just cherish every passing second.
Fast forward 3 years later, tears in my eyes, and Ruthie resting her head on my shoulder as I type this up on our couch—I can say that the time hasn’t slowed down. Our little girl is growing up before our eyes, and she’s becoming more and more beautiful with every passing hour.
There are many days I wish I could just stop time or keep my kiddos this little forever, but then I’m reminded of how beautiful growth is. We’re thankful the Lord continues to grow our children and we just pray we love and cherish every single moment of their lives.
This sweet family that we had the privilege to photograph was a reminder of how much we want to cherish the sweet moments we have with our kiddos. John and JoLynn Dickinson have two of the most beautiful children and are expecting another one soon! The Dickinson family is full of life and so much joy, their smiles are radiant and extremely contagious! By the end of the session, their kiddos were sad to see us go and just waved and stared out of their living room window as we drove away. I think that’s a testament to how sweet and loving this family is, they are so hospitable, welcoming, and truly know no stranger.
To John and JoLynn, thank you so much for welcoming us into your beautiful home to photograph your even more beautiful family. We are encouraged and thankful for the way the Lord is working in your lives and we are so excited to watch your gorgeous family grow!
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